The Idiot Next to Me <$BlogRSDUrl$>

The Idiot Next to Me
Yes, I'm Serious.

And the review...

Tuesday, February 22, 2005
I love having Sunday and Monday off. Tonight I went to the movies downtown. It was a good experience. Monday night at 9pm in Oklahoma City... no one is at the movie. This way, I can enjoy the movie without *cough* 'people' getting in the way of my movie going enjoyment.

-If I go on a Friday or Saturday night of opening weekend, it's bad. I like to sit in the very back row so no one is able able to sit behind me. Many people do this. So then the back row, even the back 5 rows get filled up fast. Then, it never fails, along comes a group of 5 people... either during the ever important previews or some time in the first 10 min of the movie... walking all the way up to the top/back row, which was full long ago, and they decide to stand there while discussing amongst themselves a place to sit. I came here to see a damn movie! Not watch you be an idiot because you are late! 100% of the time there are about 30 seats all bunched together just waiting for you to take one. Yea, on the front row... that's right. And that is usually where these people end up in the long run. So next time, do yourself a favor and go straight to them rather then stand at the end of my row (sometimes even right next to me) and yak yak yak with your mating partner and offspring.

The Movie

Constantine. Based off the Vertigo/DC comic 'Hellblazer'. Keanu Reeves. Over sized Zippo lighter. Thick in demonology and the occult. Impressive. Fresh. Clever. Good, but not great. Go see it.

Yea... my first movie review! I think I'll keep that format. That should win friends and get me lots of invites to mega ultra dinner parties.
12:02 AM :: ::
  • thanks for the site recommendation. my first visit there was this past sunday and i was happy to return.

    constantince good, ya? hmmm. okay i'll let Dan take me to see it. he really wants to see it and i had been thinking eww ick no. but i'll give it a shot.

    By Blogger Style Me Organized, at February 22, 2005 at 1:37 PM  
  • Nice movie review!
    I'm in total agreement on the movie crowd thing...I'm sure we've been to the same theatres. Seems
    I always end up sitting next to the guy with half a bottle of cologne on. The one constantly whispering and cracking wise to his compadres.

    And thanks for sending honestyrain over...I 'preciate it! I'll do something nice for you some day...

    By Blogger Shannon akaMonty, at February 22, 2005 at 4:26 PM  
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