The Idiot Next to Me <$BlogRSDUrl$>

The Idiot Next to Me
Yes, I'm Serious.

lol what's with that lol?

Sunday, February 20, 2005
OMFG! (I assume we all know what that means.)

Has 'lol' became the new 'like'? Seriously. lol I was reading a movie review message board lol and there was this person lol who said lol every few lines. lol. Give me a break lol. lol, isn't this annoying?

Yes, I know what lol means, I am phat with your skinney, I am picking up what you are putting down. You are teh leet d00de and you roxxor my boxxorz. In other words, I'm hip to the lingo.
laugh out loud or lots of laughs. I understand that 'kids will be kids' but adults are doing this as well, lol. I even see people doing it in text messages from a cell phone.

*Keep in mind, laugh out loud or lots of laughs.

Call me crazy, but when I write something personal (personal as in non professional/work related) I made it a habit to write as if I am speaking to the reader. We all have our 'written communication voice' and our 'verbal communication voice'. I try to make them both one voice. I, like many people, try to imagine the voice of the person in my head. Especially if it's someone I know personally.

So imagine if you will, the following being spoken... '(hysterical laughter) I'm having dinner with Jacob (hysterical laughter) and Crystal shows up at the resturant (hysterical laughter) and she asked Jacob how he got here and he said his car (hysterical laughter).

OMFG! Can you say trip to the hospital in a clean reversible backwards white coat?

Is it really that funny? If so, then why doesn't the reader burst out in laughter too? Could it be that you are just an idiot?

Somewhere between Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Nietzsche, and Darwin are all the answers I am looking for.

1:03 AM :: ::
  • LMAO! I'm in complete agreement! LOL

    Drives me nuts, along with all the "hey u, wutz up? Lets go 2 the mall sum time 2day" crap.

    That doesn't even include the regular idiots like this (actually taken from my random freak IM message archives):

    ME: So, what do you do for a living?
    HE: Hope i dont scare you I am a male stir kinding a truck driver.

    I actually had to get a friend to translate that for me. :)LMAO
    (please don't make me a post's a disease! Really! I'm sick!)

    By Blogger Shannon akaMonty, at February 20, 2005 at 8:52 AM  
  • I hear ya, I hear ya. LOL

    All that bloody text/internet chatroom language does my head in. LOL. Mainly because I can't understand half of it. LOL.

    Plus, it doesn't help that I do a lot of sub-editing, so if it's not well written and in plain easy-to-understand English I just can't be bothered. LOL.

    BTW, thanx 4 stopping by my blog earlier. LOL.

    By Blogger kimbofo, at February 20, 2005 at 12:01 PM  
  • LQTM!! (laughing quietly to myself)

    Michele sent me! Well actually you did, but I'm sticking to the "Michele sent me" story!!

    By Blogger ., at February 20, 2005 at 3:22 PM  
  • ha! brilliant.

    By Blogger Style Me Organized, at February 20, 2005 at 8:22 PM  
  • Ha Ha Ha... *sarcastic golf clap goes here* Gee, thanks to everyone who couldnt resist a post/comment with 'lol' in it. =p

    By Blogger Dividual Reality, at February 20, 2005 at 8:26 PM  
  • IMHO... Sorry, just adding to the hype. I loved this post, I read it to my husband we both died out laughing. I still use emotes like *smile.* It's less "eww gross stop it already" and more, "I actually am smiling right now"

    Anyway, Michele sent me. But I will definately be back.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 20, 2005 at 8:31 PM  
  • Where is the nodding in agreement button? I never use the shortened form for lauging-out-loud. However I will write. (laughing out loud).

    Did you know that teenagers will actually say OMG in spoken conversation?

    Silly and scary at the same time.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Now I shall look around yours a bit. You don't mind I hope....

    By Blogger Michele, at February 21, 2005 at 12:40 AM  
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