Move over English, here comes 'Idioteese'.
Friday, February 18, 2005
Yes, I can make up words like 'Idioteese'.My non idiot friend, the sophisticated bitch known as aka_monty pointed out an idiot today. It seems this idiot is her neighbor, so I can only assume that the 'label' best fitting for said neighbor would be, 'The Idiot Next to Me'.
The 16 year old daughter of a neighbor came by one evening. She wanted to borrow the food "prosser" so her mom could "pross" some coleslaw.
Come on people. Learn what simple house hold items are called. I know you are only 16 but it's not like we are talking about an 8 track player or asking you to crank the phonograph. It's a food processor and it processes food.
I bet if MTV made a movie about it or Jessica sang about one then you would know what it was.
...but then you would know the MTV version, and still would have no idea what you are talking about.
8:20 PM :: ::
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Y'know, I'm pretty sure that if it were a movie, Jessica would be the one to star in it. I'm just waiting for the girl to come over again & ask for some "Chicken of the Sea" Chicken.
By Shannon akaMonty, at February 19, 2005 at 11:27 AM -
Now this was "laugh-out-loud."
By Michele, at February 21, 2005 at 12:43 AM
Now I think I have some blogrolling to do.
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