The Idiot Next to Me <$BlogRSDUrl$>

The Idiot Next to Me
Yes, I'm Serious.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Well, he has been whining about this issue we are having with BlackBerries. The server needed to be reset to fix it. He started bitching and moaning about how he doesn't want just a resolution, he wants to know what was wrong with it. What could cause this big of an outage.

Sure, I want to know too. I think it would be educational to know where this all started...

...but as always, he took it to the 'cry baby' level.

He said that he is going to talk to our boss about this because he is 'sick of this shit'. Come on man, the resolution is less then 5 min old. Give someone a chance to research it and I'm sure someone will send us an email letting us know all the details.

But hey, if he wants to send a negative email to the boss and lose his cool about something not many people have any control over, then more power to him. People in this place look down on negativity and having a bad attitude is one of the first things that come to mind when advancement comes around.
2:32 PM :: ::
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